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Hmm... I think all guys are nice but sometimes they forget how to speak with girls , they are behaving different online then real life.
What I expect? ... I think loyality ...he need be funny and know what he really want ... not swings mood ... rest will come with flow :blush:
I wish the same with female gender too LOL, its hard to find such people now a days. Maybe we are look at the wrong location, who knows.
I wish the same with female gender too LOL, its hard to find such people now a days. Maybe we are look at the wrong location, who knows.
maybe people want somebody fast that's why they taking whoever come first without knowing eachoder... its important to understand both side first ...after time show .. or maybe I'm living in different world :giggle:
It's boring Sunday ...ask me some questions .:angel:

Wow.. Intresting thread.. Let's open this thread again on a beautiful Sunday :mmm:

" My baby doll ❤️ @JUPITER let Me ask You a few questions then..." :hearteyes:

1. What's a childhood dream You've never shared with anyone?

2. What's the weirdest food combination You secretly enjoy?

3. What's a quirky talent or hobby You've always wanted to try?

4. If You could have dinner with any historical figure or could spend a day with any fictional character, who would it be and why?

5. What's the most memorable dream You've ever had?

6. In a world where dreams became a reality, what dream of Yours would have the most profound impact on the world?

7. Imagine You had the ability to speak and understand any language, living or dead. Which language would You choose to master first?

8. What's the most unexpected thing on Your bucket list?

9. If You could instantly master any skill ( or ) become an expert in any field, what would it be and why?

10. If You could create a personalized constellation in the night sky, what would it depict, and what story would it tell?

11. If You could create a new holiday, what would it be and how would You celebrate it?

12. If You could switch lives with any fictional character for a day, who would it be?

13. If You had the ability to time travel but only once, where and when would You go?

14. What's the most bizarre thing You've ever witnessed that You still can't explain?

15. If You could have any animal as a loyal sidekick, which one would You choose?

16. What's a song that always makes You nostalgic, and why?

17. If Your life was a book, what would the title be, and which genre would it belong to?

18. What's the strangest talent You have that not many people know about?

19. What's a skill You've always admired in others and wish You had?

20. If You could attend any fictional school ( like Hogwarts or Starfleet Academy ), which one would it be?

21. If You had a personal theme song that played every time You entered a room, what would it be?

22. If You could pick any historical era to live in for a week, which one would it be and why?

23. Imagine You have a magic pocket that always has what You need. What's the one thing that would always be in there?

24. If Your life was a board game, what would be the winning strategy?

25. In a parallel universe, what alternate career do You think "You" would be pursuing?

26. If You were the captain of a spaceship, exploring the cosmos, what would be Your mission?

27. If You could have a 24-hour time loop like in Groundhog Day, how would You spend it?

28. What's a word or phrase You've always wanted to bring back into common usage?

29. In a world where everyone has a superpower based on their personality, what would Yours be?

30. If You were the curator of a museum dedicated to Your life, what artifacts or exhibits would be featured?

31. If You could explore any uncharted territory on Earth, where would You go, and what mysteries would You hope to uncover?

32. In a universe where colors represent emotions, what palette would paint Your current state of mind?

33. If You possessed the ability to bring inanimate objects to life, which item would You choose and why?

34. Imagine You had access to a library that contained the unwritten stories of people's lives. Whose narrative would You be most intrigued to explore?

35. In a parallel dimension where time flows backward, what event from Your past would You want to relive and experience in reverse?

36. If You could step into a painting and live within its world, which artwork would You choose, and what adventures would await You there?

Is this enough, or should I ask You for more? baby doll :mmm:
1. Hmm no have any like that
2. Rice and roti together. ( no i have no any such combination)
3. i alwyas wanted to dive inside the water and discover sea life.
4. Not intrested . XD
5. I have many dreams ( mostly bad )
6. Ddnt think of it ...
7. Hindi
8. Babe indent have such list
9. astronomer ( I want know more about star and universe)
10. Babe I ddnt get that
11. Stargazing holiday ( every people will meat in spot ... and we all would watch star)
12. Nobody not have any fav
13. India to see my Gulab jamunn!
14. Hmm..none
15. Jaguar
16. Forever Young ( just memories)
17. Need to think about it .
18. No baby not any .
19. Careless? Maybe ...
20. Planet X
21. Viri viri va xD
22. I'm fine with this era
23. I wish it could be you....
24. Understand me well... and you can win my heart .
25. Hmm.....
26. Not any specific ... maybe chcek if there is ufo ?
27. I would go to Mount Everest on the highest peak
28. Hmm let me think babe.
29. Invisible
30. Manyyyy hehehhe
31. My dream to see ... aurora borealis
32. Omg .. black mixed with gray hahahah
33 . Idk ...
34. YOURS.
35. Maybe my old friends...
36. My own small gingerbread house... around me just leak and sound of birds....
1. Hmm no have any like that
2. Rice and roti together. ( no i have no any such combination)
3. i alwyas wanted to dive inside the water and discover sea life.
4. Not intrested . XD
5. I have many dreams ( mostly bad )
6. Ddnt think of it ...
7. Hindi
8. Babe indent have such list
9. astronomer ( I want know more about star and universe)
10. Babe I ddnt get that
11. Stargazing holiday ( every people will meat in spot ... and we all would watch star)
12. Nobody not have any fav
13. India to see my Gulab jamunn!
14. Hmm..none
15. Jaguar
16. Forever Young ( just memories)
17. Need to think about it .
18. No baby not any .
19. Careless? Maybe ...
20. Planet X
21. Viri viri va xD
22. I'm fine with this era
23. I wish it could be you....
24. Understand me well... and you can win my heart .
25. Hmm.....
26. Not any specific ... maybe chcek if there is ufo ?
27. I would go to Mount Everest on the highest peak
28. Hmm let me think babe.
29. Invisible
30. Manyyyy hehehhe
31. My dream to see ... aurora borealis
32. Omg .. black mixed with gray hahahah
33 . Idk ...
34. YOURS.
35. Maybe my old friends...
36. My own small gingerbread house... around me just leak and sound of birds....

Wow.., awesome.., baby doll @JUPITER ❤️
Your answers are like the best part of My day. You always make Our talks feel so special and heartwarming. Thanks for bringing so much warmth and happiness into My life. You're My sunshine..