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Strange laws in INDIA


Mr. Squeaky Clean
Chat Pro User

1.The Aircraft Act, 1934

The act says that only the government can make rules related to the possession, use, operation, import or export of any aircraft, sale or class of aircraft.With this interpretation, it would be illegal to fly balloons and kites without government clearance in India.
As per the Indian Aircraft Act, a person can be prisoned for two years or charged a fine of up to Rs.10 lacs if he/she flies an aircraft in such a way that it causes danger to any person or property on land, water or in the air. Aircraft here include balloons, gliders, flying machines and ironically, kites.

2.Legal Drinking Age

One of the most required Indian laws is the law which determines the legal drinking age. It is different from each state and in some states, it goes up to 25 years of age. It is very strange that a citizen has the right to elect the Government by voting at 18 years of age but is not considered as mature enough to decide if they can consume alcohol or not.

3. Prostitution is legal, but being a pimp is illegal

Prostitutes are allowed to practice their trade privately but cannot legally implore the customers in public. Organized prostitution like prostitution rings, brothels, pimping, etc. is illegal in India.

4. The Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, 1958

By granting ‘special powers’, this law permits commissioned officers to kill suspects in the name of preserving public order. This Act was first passed to the security forces in Manipur and Assam to defend themselves from violence. Afterwards, it was extended to the entire North East and also to Jammu and Kashmir.

5. You need good teeth to become a motor vehicle inspector

You read it right. In a toothy tale, according to this law, among the various physical tests one needs to pass in the process of becoming a motor vehicle inspector in Andhra Pradesh, one is also needed to have good teeth.

6. Attempted suicide illegal, not if successful

In a blatant undermining of the basic ideals of democracy, Section 309 of the Penal Code makes sure you are punished if you don’t do suicide right. The law states that a successful suicide is legal, but failure to succeed might land you in jail. This is based on the notion that if the person dies, the matter dies with him/her. But, should they survive, they stand answerable and punishable for their action.

7. The unlucky lottery

As per the Indian treasure-trove act, if one discovers anything of value—exceeding Rs.10—hidden under the soil, then one must report it. If one fails to report, he/she is liable to punishment. The law is vehemently opposed by professional treasure hunters because the law says that all the findings of treasure hunters belong to the Government.

Laws are created to safeguard and serve the public of a country. Like every other thing, these laws need to be updated from time to time to accommodate the present trends. In India, many outdated laws have been altered, but still, some strange laws need to find attention from the lawmakers! In this article, we will discuss seven strange Indian laws that should be modified as soon as possible.

The Registration of Foreigners’ Act, 1939

According to this law, every foreigner whose stay in India is more than 180 days need to report their entry, movement from one locality to another and departure to the higher officials. The law also requires landlords and managers of boarding houses and hotels, ships or aircraft to report the presence of any foreigners.

It was introduced by the British to control the entry and movement of foreigners in India. It was particularly meant for the Indian revolutionaries from other countries. At present this law has become a tool to harass foreigners and is an obstruction to the efforts of India to boost tourism.

1.The Aircraft Act, 1934

The act says that only the government can make rules related to the possession, use, operation, import or export of any aircraft, sale or class of aircraft.With this interpretation, it would be illegal to fly balloons and kites without government clearance in India.
As per the Indian Aircraft Act, a person can be prisoned for two years or charged a fine of up to Rs.10 lacs if he/she flies an aircraft in such a way that it causes danger to any person or property on land, water or in the air. Aircraft here include balloons, gliders, flying machines and ironically, kites.

2.Legal Drinking Age

One of the most required Indian laws is the law which determines the legal drinking age. It is different from each state and in some states, it goes up to 25 years of age. It is very strange that a citizen has the right to elect the Government by voting at 18 years of age but is not considered as mature enough to decide if they can consume alcohol or not.

3. Prostitution is legal, but being a pimp is illegal

Prostitutes are allowed to practice their trade privately but cannot legally implore the customers in public. Organized prostitution like prostitution rings, brothels, pimping, etc. is illegal in India.

4. The Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, 1958

By granting ‘special powers’, this law permits commissioned officers to kill suspects in the name of preserving public order. This Act was first passed to the security forces in Manipur and Assam to defend themselves from violence. Afterwards, it was extended to the entire North East and also to Jammu and Kashmir.

5. You need good teeth to become a motor vehicle inspector

You read it right. In a toothy tale, according to this law, among the various physical tests one needs to pass in the process of becoming a motor vehicle inspector in Andhra Pradesh, one is also needed to have good teeth.

6. Attempted suicide illegal, not if successful

In a blatant undermining of the basic ideals of democracy, Section 309 of the Penal Code makes sure you are punished if you don’t do suicide right. The law states that a successful suicide is legal, but failure to succeed might land you in jail. This is based on the notion that if the person dies, the matter dies with him/her. But, should they survive, they stand answerable and punishable for their action.

7. The unlucky lottery

As per the Indian treasure-trove act, if one discovers anything of value—exceeding Rs.10—hidden under the soil, then one must report it. If one fails to report, he/she is liable to punishment. The law is vehemently opposed by professional treasure hunters because the law says that all the findings of treasure hunters belong to the Government.
Our Indian law is an old book need to update for next generation bcz No one getting proper judgements with these kind of law and all are know loopholes to escape from punishments. Our Indian law is best for late judgement. If you going for a civil case then you don't know when the judgement will come. Recently I read a post actually this case was started in 1997 and result came in 2021. Totally three courts are given different different judgements. In this which one is true if third court given correct judgement means then what is the use of other two courts and judges. This is our Indian judgement laws.
Our Indian law is an old book need to update for next generation bcz No one getting proper judgements with these kind of law and all are know loopholes to escape from punishments. Our Indian law is best for late judgement. If you going for a civil case then you don't know when the judgement will come. Recently I read a post actually this case was started in 1997 and result came in 2021. Totally three courts are given different different judgements. In this which one is true if third court given correct judgement means then what is the use of other two courts and judges. This is our Indian judgement laws.
It's my point of view, definitely laws need to be update and quick judgements are required.
Understanding MOU in the context of India's strange laws is crucial. An MOU, or Memorandum of Understanding, can clarify legal intentions and agreements, helping navigate these unique regulations. This document serves as a valuable tool in ensuring all parties are on the same page, avoiding potential legal pitfalls in India's complex legal landscape.