• We kindly request chatzozo forum members to follow forum rules to avoid getting a temporary suspension. Do not use non-English languages in the International Sex Chat Discussion section. This section is mainly created for everyone who uses English as their communication language.


  1. Osprey

    Request for Review of Ban and Access Restrictions...

    Dear Admins and Moderators, I am writing to bring to your attention the ongoing challenges I have faced regarding access to the site. Despite multiple attempts to engage with verified IDs, I have found myself subjected to blanket bans across my accounts, as well as restrictions on my device and...
  2. TheIcon

    kindly accept my apology

    @Aphrodite @Hades @Administrator @Pinkcandy @Nilaani @JUPITER @Somaiya Karn @satz @Aadhirai Dear Admins and Staffs.... My ID Sugarlips(pro user) Tamil room. Yesterday i done a mistake by posting in... t text gif in wall. Actually i uploaded random gif. I didnt notices text. It happends...
  3. Jawad

    Pls update my pro.badge

    i was kicked for 1 month now im active pls update my pro badge my chat id is jawad_ @Pinkcandy @Administrator @Hades @Somaiya Karn @JUPITER
  4. Rohan101


    Hello sir. I was recently kicked out from Bengali chat room and it was for abusing with a guest user. But I didn't. There was a guy who opened a new account and insulted my country and immediately ignored me. He was doing this repeatedly with me since last night. Last night I informed the...
  5. Dallin

    Fix your ban timer

    I was banned for some vpn thing idk. Now the timer gets reset everytime it hits 0. Fix it coz it was supposed to be 15 min ban now it keeps on repeating. Username - Dallin
  6. ItsMë_Ånü

    lack of mods

    Heyaa greetings to the zozo administrator n respective staff Im a user from Telugu room with same nick itsme_anu on chat side I would like to share some issues happening in Telugu room There is a slight increase in abusing in Telugu room there is no one to take some action even if we ignore...