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Why Women Need To Stop Competing Against Each Other ;)

Bacon Girl

Epic Legend
Posting Freak
To All The LADIES in the house! :D

There are a few things that the female population all have in common; we have almost all seen "Mean Girls" and we can all agree that we will never all get along with each other. Simply based on science and experience, we are not built as human beings to be best friends with everyone, especially when it comes to women. But there's a difference between knowing and accepting the differences among women and tearing one another down because of those differences. Did we learn nothing when the "Burn Book" was exposed and Tina Fey told us these immortal words:

Nothing and no one is ever made better by tearing down another person. We women especially need to come to some sort of understanding that while we may not see eye to eye on possibly anything, we can't just tear each other down and compete with each other to feel fulfilled.

Women are universally held to a certain standard put on by society, those in power and the male population. These expectations are set by people that we usually have no control over, but can overcome them and rise to prove them wrong or invalid. But here's the thing, if we as women make it impossible for other women to live their lives to their own standards and expectations, we're just as bad, if not worse.

We are never going to get better if we're trying to make each other worse. No one ever becomes a better person by putting others down. I'm not saying we should all be holding hands and sing "kumbaya." But it seems the art of simply having respect for each other has gotten lost along the way.

The common goal is not to sit in a circle and braid each other's hair or to become BFFLs with every woman you come across in your life, because there will be women that you won't see eye to eye with. There will be some who seem to not like you, either. But rather than calling each other names, come to an understanding that we're all in the same boat. We're all fighting toward the same thing, maybe just in different ways. Women are strong and tough and when women work together, rather than against each other, we create something incredible. But if all we do is compare and belittle, we get nothing done and are not taken seriously.

Amazing things happen when you learn to accept others. And from one woman to another, I hope from this you take away that we are far, far better working together, than against each other. ;)