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What is like to have a Best friend (Best friends) and who are your best friends?

There is a Chinese movie where the leading actor was struck with the mixed sadness and regrets about a love affair. An introvert and excellent in hiding feelings, he pours his heart to a hole in a tree. After he was done talking, a sense of relief and letting go gets the better of him. And he moved on and the film ends.

To me, having a best friend is like having a hole in a tree in a remote area surrounded with rows and rows of trees and bushes and ferns, maybe. I can shout out at the top of my lungs. I can cry my heart out over anything and nothing. With all the emotional outputs, I am not afraid of giving away my inner most secrets or feelings or the backstabbing followed. I am not ashamed. I don't have to be strong or put a poke face as with all the other people.

It's the security that comforts me. Diaries can keep my secrets, but they can't talk with me or hug me or encourage me. The communication is not reciprocal. A best fr
iend reserves a small island of peace and security that helps me guard against the chaos and complexity of the outside world. It’s literally amazing to have two of them as my fav ladies Sabrina & Asma.

By the way, the films is In the Mood for Love.
A bestfriend~ a partner in crime. In any situation, you will know you got their back and they got yours. When the world turns back on you, they're the one whohelp you regain your strength. Abestfriend can be amother , a father, siblings or just a person once a stranger to you.:smile1: