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Sexual harassment at the workplace

  • Thread starter Deleted member 59
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Deleted member 59

Daily day BS women have to face at their workplace

Society is indeed one hell of a shitty place for women to be in, our roles are defined by men, designed by men, designated by men, even thoug we've fought years and years to have our own rights.

It always seems we have achieved practically nothing, and every time we think we have, bam! Society finds a way to remind us that we haven't! Isn't that great???

These accounts are personal wise,that have happened to me and to one of my co-workers, and these are just still harmless exemples of what we have to face even at the workplace a place in which we're a supposed to be safe.

I started a new job very recently, the merits of what I do and where are not important, what matters is that even holding a high hierarchy position, it did not stop one of my male co-workers to brush himself against me using the excuse of trying to reach the stapler that was right next to me.

And that was just one of the events, it didn't matter that I told him off and told him to respect my personal space, he still continued to pass inappropriate comments and it got to one point of a inappripriate gropping!

Same situation happened with my friend and co-worker, coming from the exact same person, who after being confronted by the oweners claimed it was just his playful ways and that he meant no harm.

I doubt very much men go through this type of situation and still get the reputation of cranky, bitchy and so on for not knowing how to take jokes. It is just a joke when the person laughs, it stops being a joke when someone walks out offended and hurt.

In this case it was not a joke, but a clear case of sexual harassment. It's not enough we gotta deal with guys putting stuff on our drinks while we're at a bar or at the club, it's not enough we gotta deal with catcalling, and with filthy men who harasses us in public transportation, rape, laws that defines how we dress, what we do with our bodies we also have to endure that kind of behaviour? NO WAY IN HELL WE WILL!

Legal measures can be taken in such cases within the company itself, the employee charged with sexual harassment can be suspended and sent to watch lectures with educational purposes on why he must do something that to me seems quite obvious, which is respecting your female co-workers. In case the episode repeats or depending on the severity of the case, the employee can be suspended and/or fired.

Many companies are now investing on educating their employees on this matter due to many charges filed in HR offices and Police departments. Moral and conduct codes were installed and protocols are monitored to ensure a healthy working environment. It is still beyond me that women have to go to their workplace worrying if that will happen to them.

The two situations mentioned here are what we can describe as vanilla when compared to many other stories I had access too while talking to friends of mine. Many companies ignore these events perpetuating patriarchy and sexism, that continues to diminish and limitate women around the globe.

So Girls! Speak up when you witness or experiences this kind of situation, let's not allow our lives, and the lives of other women to be permanently violated by disgusting men such as this one I unfortunately still need to share the workplace with.

Yours truly,

G x