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Phobia - Do u have any ?


Favoured Frenzy
Is there a phobia that you may desire to overcome, yet at the same time, be reluctant to engage in the process of overcoming it?

I have katsaridaphobia( fear of roaches)

I am prone to all expect the tiny little one with wings- The cockroaches :spoileralert:-. I become a ninja when spotted one XD :rofl1:and runs faster than crock roach can scuttle. Being in hostel for 8 years and the only essentiality in my packing bag was the mosquito net. No it's not cuz hate for their bites XD but to protect myself from the late night audition by the flying roaches.:giggle:
[ Downloading one , na to even search one of roach pic , is a nightmare lol]
Is there a phobia that you may desire to overcome, yet at the same time, be reluctant to engage in the process of overcoming it?

I have katsaridaphobia( fear of roaches)

I am prone to all expect the tiny little one with wings- The cockroaches :spoileralert:-. I become a ninja when spotted one XD :rofl1:and runs faster than crock roach can scuttle. Being in hostel for 8 years and the only essentiality in my packing bag was the mosquito net. No it's not cuz hate for their bites XD but to protect myself from the late night audition by the flying roaches.:giggle:
[ Downloading one , na to even search one of roach pic , is a nightmare lol]
Glad u said crock roach and not the correct one...for a moment I would have misunderstood ur phobia a bit :Dream1: :giggle:
Is there a phobia that you may desire to overcome, yet at the same time, be reluctant to engage in the process of overcoming it?

I have katsaridaphobia( fear of roaches)

I am prone to all expect the tiny little one with wings- The cockroaches :spoileralert:-. I become a ninja when spotted one XD :rofl1:and runs faster than crock roach can scuttle. Being in hostel for 8 years and the only essentiality in my packing bag was the mosquito net. No it's not cuz hate for their bites XD but to protect myself from the late night audition by the flying roaches.:giggle:
[ Downloading one , na to even search one of roach pic , is a nightmare lol]
Phobia - I have many :Cwl:
But I don't have katsaridaphobia
Here are some of the rare phobias


Pogonophobia is the fear of beards. People with this phobia may experience anxiety or even panic attacks when in the presence of someone with facial hair.

Ironically, this is the fear of long words. It's a humorous term for a serious fear, as individuals with this phobia may find it challenging to cope with long and complex words, which can lead to significant anxiety.