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Deleted member 59

Have you ever heard of this term and have absolute no idea of what it means? Well I decided to bring in this amazing topic to our forum today, for both clarification and to show hilarious moments when it happens.

Well, basically mansplaining is used to describe a situation in which a man "explains" something to a woman in a condescending and patronizing way, just because she is a woman and therefore, according to this man, not smart enough to understand it herself.

I think that it's something universal and that every women has at some point in her life experienced the currently famous "mansplaining". We women are definately considered by many man true dummies, who are never able to understand how our bodies work or how our jobs work, or basically we just no shit about anything and most of them (because I know not all man is like that) take this "hard" task upon themselves to teach us dummy women how things are done :D

I'll give you for instance of something that happened to me yesterday while visiting my relatives. I posted something the day before about feminism, and how sexism kills over 60 Brazilian women every 2/3 hours in my country. My uncle came in and said that maybe I should try being feminine instead of a feminist, because feminists are bad. I don't know where's the logic of his speech to be honest, but when a man tries to explain a woman what feminism is, well that's mansplaining. I just looked at him and felt my IQ drop and my affections towrds my blood relatives decrease in 100000% :)

Well below I am going to quote some mansplaining situations I found online:


I think the Olympic athlete knows exactly what to do and did not ask for any "advice/explanation"




Boys, trust us ok? We know our stuff.


Piers Morgan is one the biggest douches I've ever seen in life.... a man trying to explain a women's protest? *facepalms* again!


Yeah dude we have no clue how our periods or how our bodies work :D we're that fudging helpless :D

download (3).jpg

We totally create cramps in our heads :D


We write, but we're not very sure about what we write either :D


We get the harassment, but if it wasn't for you man to tell us what it is..... oh boy we'd be screwed! :D


And wow look at this! A man mansplaining the mansplan! :D

We're so safe with this careful thoughtful boys aren't we :D

Now if you're a good fella and wants to make sure you don't do the famous mansplaning, here's a chart for you to follow:

like when they have a tantrum we call that a MANTRUM