To all the men out there !!
I know you guys won't be expecting any wishes because the world doesn't celebrate this day like other spl occasions and anyway we aren't much affected by this now. This day would go the same for you just like another usual day. But....
There are some ppl in your life take their time to wish & congratulate you for being a man, who tell you it's your day and feel proud to have you in their life. We just give a simple thanks in return to them but deep down we all know how good it felt
To all such men who are currently blinking their eyes in thought of their future, Career, Life and to the men who got rejected in love and life events, To them who never dared to confess their feelings, To them who work day and nights regardless any situations.
To all the men who play their role tirelessly
It's our day !!
I know you guys won't be expecting any wishes because the world doesn't celebrate this day like other spl occasions and anyway we aren't much affected by this now. This day would go the same for you just like another usual day. But....
There are some ppl in your life take their time to wish & congratulate you for being a man, who tell you it's your day and feel proud to have you in their life. We just give a simple thanks in return to them but deep down we all know how good it felt

To all such men who are currently blinking their eyes in thought of their future, Career, Life and to the men who got rejected in love and life events, To them who never dared to confess their feelings, To them who work day and nights regardless any situations.
To all the men who play their role tirelessly

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