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Human- An emotional being


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In the heart's chamber, emotions weave,
A symphony of feelings, where souls believe.
Joy like a sunrise, warm and bright,
Paints the canvas of our shared delight.

Grief, a rain that softly falls,
Cleansing wounds within heart's walls.
Love, the melody that lingers on,
A timeless ballad, never truly gone.

Fear, a whisper in the shadows cast,
Yet courage rises, breaking free at last.
In the dance of emotions, we find our way,
A human journey, night into day.

Through laughter's echo, tears that flow,
We navigate this ebb and flow.
An emotional being, deep and wide,
In the vast ocean of feelings, we reside.
In the heart's chamber, emotions weave,
A symphony of feelings, where souls believe.
Joy like a sunrise, warm and bright,
Paints the canvas of our shared delight.

Grief, a rain that softly falls,
Cleansing wounds within heart's walls.
Love, the melody that lingers on,
A timeless ballad, never truly gone.

Fear, a whisper in the shadows cast,
Yet courage rises, breaking free at last.
In the dance of emotions, we find our way,
A human journey, night into day.

Through laughter's echo, tears that flow,
We navigate this ebb and flow.
An emotional being, deep and wide,
In the vast ocean of feelings, we reside.