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How to surviving

criss cross

Epic Legend
Chat Pro User
we all have our days where we feel we can't survive. sometimes dreams are shattered, friendship may fall apart. loved once may hurt us, finance may worry us, sickness may overtake us, we may even lose people we love. How to survive in such situation
we all have our days where we feel we can't survive. sometimes dreams are shattered, friendship may fall apart. loved once may hurt us, finance may worry us, sickness may overtake us, we may even lose people we love. How to survive in such situation
Just take a step back, take a break, go on a journey somewhere and have fun then come back with a fresh mind. Sit and start make notes of what went wrong in whatever you're doing, fine solutions for how to make it better. Then work on a new and efficient plan which should be able to counter even in case of setbacks. Setbacks,failures,losses are normal for us humans. We have the power to overcome everything and achieve what we desire if put in our efforts with proper planning and discipline. Start making notes whatever you're doing in your life let it be professional or personal. Start checking every few days or a week and you'll find our what you're missing. You might get new ideas from it when you start writing habit. It has helped me so far. If you can't go out on a journey then spend some time with your loved ones. It always should help you. And don't forget to have faith and belief in you. Only you can do and you will do it. You have the power to conquer the world. God be with you. Peace ✌️
Just know the only the hardships you're facing will make you a better and a new person. You can't ask and get an experience like it. Hard moments too shall pass. It won't be forever and better days will be upon you Criss.
Just take a step back, take a break, go on a journey somewhere and have fun then come back with a fresh mind. Sit and start make notes of what went wrong in whatever you're doing, fine solutions for how to make it better. Then work on a new and efficient plan which should be able to counter even in case of setbacks. Setbacks,failures,losses are normal for us humans. We have the power to overcome everything and achieve what we desire if put in our efforts with proper planning and discipline. Start making notes whatever you're doing in your life let it be professional or personal. Start checking every few days or a week and you'll find our what you're missing. You might get new ideas from it when you start writing habit. It has helped me so far. If you can't go out on a journey then spend some time with your loved ones. It always should help you. And don't forget to have faith and belief in you. Only you can do and you will do it. You have the power to conquer the world. God be with you. Peace ✌️
If I had to guess, all of us at some point have considered how to survive some event. A disaster, weather, a family gathering, pandemics. Even the small things in life, we tend to stress over.

It’s this self-inflicted stress that we struggle the most with surviving. We struggle with surviving ourselves
If I had to guess, all of us at some point have considered how to survive some event. A disaster, weather, a family gathering, pandemics. Even the small things in life, we tend to stress over.

It’s this self-inflicted stress that we struggle the most with surviving. We struggle with surviving ourselves

Maybe and I'm no superhuman to tell you that I haven't broken down or been sad. But I didn't repeat it again and again. It's not what you encounter but how you handle it matters the most
Just know the only the hardships you're facing will make you a better and a new person. You can't ask and get an experience like it. Hard moments too shall pass. It won't be forever and better days will be upon you Criss.
The name of life is to overcome adverse environmental conditions and bring favorable conditions and one who can do this will not face any major problems in life.
Maybe and I'm no superhuman to tell you that I haven't broken down or been sad. But I didn't repeat it again and again. It's not what you encounter but how you handle it matters the most
Everyone has faced some kind of adversity and the one who overcomes it and combats life again can be called a complete success.
we all have our days where we feel we can't survive. sometimes dreams are shattered, friendship may fall apart. loved once may hurt us, finance may worry us, sickness may overtake us, we may even lose people we love. How to survive in such situation
:las:keep shut for a while
:inlove:Reboot n love urself
:Devil:slightly change urself
:evilgrin1:come with new avatar in full confidence
:finger:dont care others what they say
:angry:let others explode to see u
:heart1::heart1:win the heart of all

:relieved::sweat:got tired uff
and muted too..;)
When things in your life don't work out as you want them to, it can be a challenging and frustrating experience. Here are some suggestions on what you can do in such situations:

  1. Acceptance: Acknowledge that not everything in life can be controlled or predicted. Accepting the situation for what it is can help you move forward.
  2. Self-reflection: Take some time to reflect on the situation. Understand what went wrong, what you could have done differently, and what you can learn from it.
  3. Stay positive: Maintain a positive attitude and mindset. Remember that setbacks are a part of life, and they can offer valuable lessons for personal growth and development.
  4. Seek support: Don't hesitate to reach out to friends, family, or a therapist for support. Talking to someone about your feelings and experiences can provide a fresh perspective and emotional support.
  5. Set new goals: Use the experience as an opportunity to reassess your goals and priorities. Set new, achievable goals that align with your values and aspirations.
  6. Take action: Break down the problem into smaller, manageable steps and take action towards resolving it. Proactively addressing the issue can help you regain a sense of control and progress.
  7. Practice self-care: Take care of yourself physically, emotionally, and mentally. Engage in activities that help you relax, such as exercise, meditation, or hobbies.
  8. Learn from the experience: Every setback offers a chance to learn and grow. Use this opportunity to gain new insights, develop resilience, and improve your problem-solving skills.
Remember, it's normal to face challenges in life, and how you respond to them can make a significant difference. Stay resilient, stay positive,
we all have our days where we feel we can't survive. sometimes dreams are shattered, friendship may fall apart. loved once may hurt us, finance may worry us, sickness may overtake us, we may even lose people we love. How to survive in such situation
with self confidence and positive mind. life might not always go as per our plans, however we can adjust our plans as life goes.



Just Look: Don't Accept or Reject​

Just two things
1. Negate all memories
2. Observation without judgement

  • Negate All Memories:​
    • Outcome: Burden-free and attentive <Love>.​
    • Explanation: Memories are the root cause of misery as they burden the brain, making it dull, confused, and focused on the past. They prevent you from truly living, causing fear which eradicates love. Negating memories (past = focus) brings love (present = attention). This keeps you attentive, and burden-free and gives a clear vision of any situation.​
  • Observation Without Judgment:​
    • Outcome: Time for action <Only action that has no reaction>.​
    • Explanation: Observation without judgment is the only action that resolves all conflicts without effort. When you observe without preconceived notions or biases, your actions are clear, direct, and free from reactionary conflicts.​

Note: -Don’t blindly believe in idealistic views, beliefs, theories, or propaganda. They are just words that can burden your brain. This applies to my observation as well. Examine everything carefully before implementing it in your life.