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Guns ,Guns and Guns for everything

yea but the problem is that guns can get into the wrong hands if you want them bad enough...people that buy guns legally and go through the proper procedures are generally the most respectful of what they can do.We have laws on the books regarding guns and gun control already...but things like this happen and the first thing people wanna do is yell and scream "take the guns away"...but that only leaves the guns in the criminal's hands.There is no easy solution to the gun violence we face..but taking them away and taking our right away with them isn't the solution..............and this isn't a rant against you or your feelings lol I hope it didn't come across that way...I'm just on my soapbox and this topic always rubs me the wrong way.Something like this happens and people start shouting and wanting take our second amendment rights...we can't re write the constitution just because its doesn't work for you or your agenda.
I understand your point of view and respect it. I'm just a pacifist lol and I understand that it's part of your country's history and culture as well. If it's in your constitution as a granted right then the government must find a way of creating forms to limit access of guns to people who might hurt others. I live in a violent country, but even though I have experienced violence I just don't see myself using a gun to protect myself. Different cultural backgrounds but I can understand where your coming from.
I can make a gun in my garage, I can buy a gun from Mexico, I can buy a gun down the street. For every example they try to give for making a new law to make us Safer, There is already 10 laws that do the same thing. Small example...isn't Murder already illegal? These "NEW" Laws have been proven to do nothing to keep us Safer. Throw what Australia has done at me for an example. They outlawed guns and crime went thru the roof. Do your own research and you will see, I don't need to prove it to anyone here. If you don't want a gun around fine, then don't buy one, but I'll be damned if anyone knows better or thinks they have the right to take mine away. My 83 year old aunts horse was attacked by 2 dogs, So she's supposed to beat these off with her cane? Then become dog food herself? Nope, She's American and had the right to defend herself and her property..2 shots, 2 dogs down, end of story. The bottom line to any argument over this issue comes to ONE point. It's not about gun control, It's about Control. If you're not American, you will never understand this way of thinking. People always try to run America down, as we're so awful, Well if that's the case why do so many TRY to come here? When all the facts come out about this shooter, who he's with, What his beliefs are, it will become clear. America as we know it is in a fight for her life. It's being attacked from within. They are using our laws and our freedoms to destroy us..The Tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of Patriots and Tyrants. It's natural manure..Thomas Jefferson.
As I am not American I can't truly understand, but because I don't truly understand doesn't mean I have the right to judge. I see the world and the way we act in a different way, and I agree with you Minos it needs control, the people that use the guns are the problems. Generalizing is never a good thing, it distorts the real situation and lack of understanding of things makes it worse.
I understand your point of view and respect it. I'm just a pacifist lol and I understand that it's part of your country's history and culture as well. If it's in your constitution as a granted right then the government must find a way of creating forms to limit access of guns to people who might hurt others. I live in a violent country, but even though I have experienced violence I just don't see myself using a gun to protect myself. Different cultural backgrounds but I can understand where your coming from.
My parents didnt have a gun in the house as well..I didnt grow up around guns..but my grandfather did..and he served in the US Army...and he,along with every other American,has the constitutional right to bare arms...it may not be something every American wants..or needs...but watch that video Minos posted and tell me that poor woman did wish she had her gun on her at the time of that shooting.For god sakes...both her parents and god knows how many other might still be alive.I feel if you buy a firearm though legal channels.. have it registered and learn how to handle it..you should be allowed to have it on you.I've never fired a gun in my life...but I would shot anyone dead that tried to harm me and mine...that much I know.
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