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Tell me about deepfake this changes world in future
Deepfakes are fake videos or audio recordings that use computer programs to make it seem like someone is saying or doing something they didn't actually do. Here's a simple explanation:

How They Work : Deepfakes use computers to copy the way a person looks or sounds by learning from lots of pictures or recordings of that person.

Fake Videos: In fake videos, they can put a person's face on someone else's body to create a video that looks real but isn't.

Fake Voices: With fake voices, they can make someone's voice say things that person never said.

Concerns : Deepfakes can be a problem because they can be used to make fake news or trick people. It's important to find ways to spot them and stop them from being misused.

Ethical Questions: People are also talking about the right and wrong ways to use this technology and how to make rules to prevent bad things from happening with deepfakes.

In short, deepfakes are about using computers to make fake videos and voices, and they come with some big issues we need to deal with.