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COVID-19 - BBC Reporting (New Delhi)

The situation is becoming worse... Stay Safe... Stay Home... help people of your capability...
I have been saying this for years and years now, not just for covid, just for everything. Keep in mind, you should defend yourself until the last breath you have. Fight constantly like your white blood cells does in your body, fight constantly like how your heart beats in a rhythm which never stops until the last moment., fight constantly like you do not forget to breath, fight constantly like how your brain works effortlessly. Do not let your shield down for any moment.

Do not trust anyone.( i mean do not trust anyone blindly, use your senses, damn you people have additional senses than animals and you always fail to use it).. But do not hate your loved one despite what they do to you, if your heart says it.

Dont lean or wait for someone to help you, educate yourself, learn more, keep updated yourself. If you have a helping tendencies, do what makes you happy and which brings a peace in your life.

Nothing is permanent in life, not even your body or your soul. Be vigilant, fight for you, then fight for your family, then fight for your loved ones, then fight for others.

I got more to say, but keep in your mind. OPEN your god-damn minds, explore your full potential. HUMANS are more than just flesh and blood.