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The meaning of compliments varies depending on the place.
Compliments received at workplace shows how much better you are than others.
A compliment show by a some one special person makes your position in his/her heart and your relationship even better.
In both situations, I think about doing it better in future.
How do compliments make you feel? Good or nervous..in real n virtual.
Let's all face the truth here. Girls or ladies get complimented most of their lives. They look beautiful in a dress, you pretty much get complimented by the whole society, then if you have good driving skills...etc.etc.etc. (I'm not saying every one of them gets these compliments but most do).
It's the opposite with us guys. No one really does compliment you for your looks or your work or anything. Once in a blue moon someone comes and says nice about you and then that will be the only thought we will be having for the entire week.
So what I meant to say is most of us guys don't know the word "compliment", we do know how to give it to girls but we hardly get it back from anyone.
Depends on what kind of compliment it is.
Usually, compliments overwhelm me.

Real or virtual , if it’s coming from someone genuine (could be a random stranger at a mall too) - you know the compliment is real, it’s comforting, makes me feel positive.
If it’s from someone I look up to - a lil nervous maybe
If it’s about my personality I’m feeling better for sure ^_^
Depends on what kind of compliment it is.
Usually, compliments overwhelm me.

Real or virtual , if it’s coming from someone genuine (could be a random stranger at a mall too) - you know the compliment is real, it’s comforting, makes me feel positive.
If it’s from someone I look up to - a lil nervous maybe
If it’s about my personality I’m feeling better for sure ^_^
Y is ur personality written in small fonts? Don't want to get compliments for it?;)