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Mag Pie

I always attribute my escape from what seemed like an eternal sentence in the cubicle world to my little blog, Prolific Living.

Today, I don’t call myself just a blogger. My business has expanded into many facets from creating online products and programs to running my coaching and career programs, writing books and speaking at conferences, but I never want to forget that it all started with one thing: my blog.

My blog was the single door that opened me to the world of writing, self-employment, entrepreneurship, online e-commerce, power communities, social media, amazing people and a circle of like-minded friends I never thought I could find.

Funny thing is, I did not even know how much I love doing my own thing, and likewise, how much it wiped me to do meaningless work on mind-boggling insanely useless and painfully boring corporate initiatives. It is the difference between night & day, happiness & depression, light & dark, grey & colorful, and most of all, fulfillment & emptiness. I was all the latter things and now I am all the former ones.

But blogging has amazing side-benefits that are not as obvious to the casual observer. So today, I’ll lay out 9 little known but killer benefits of having your own blog. Ready?