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Enth theettaa... ? Swantham karyam poyi nokk kochee ... Ente purake nadanitt enth kittana ninakk
Athe ull parayan alland .njnm matulorod parayunen ni Vann ndina karayunneee

Aysheriii atha ipo indyee. :clapping:

Njn oru comedy @Jack_v2 nod paranj.. i didn't mention u .. pinne ndinaa diii ingne Vann reply ite.

Ni ente comment inum reply ettu ee post il... By the way... Eth njan Etta thread alle... So if r not interested in me ... Y should u even open it yaar?
Ni ente comment inum reply ettu ee post il... By the way... Eth njan Etta thread alle... So if r not interested in me ... Y should u even open it yaar?
Ohoo.. apo threadil comment idunnen new dimensions oke aatoo

Am replied to my frnd @Jack_v2
Mosham anegilum allegilum aval paraja pole thalparyam ellegil atleast chumma avashyam ellatha indirect conversations inu nilkkaruth ... Agane nikkande erikkana njan avasam react cheythe... Ath eshttapettillegil appol thanne wall il parayan padillayirunnoo...etra divasam nokki erikkano
Aayikkotte....wall alle....aarkm nthum parayaalo..I tagged you some other guy and shyam..not you... isn't it?
Ni ente comment inum reply ettu ee post il... By the way... Eth njan Etta thread alle... So if r not interested in me ... Y should u even open it yaar?
Ohoo.. apo nte ee notification l verunna ndm enk edth nokan ulla right und :map:

Freedom oke kitya karyam arinjile aavo
Aayikkotte....wall alle....aarkm nthum parayaalo..I tagged you some other guy and shyam..not you... isn't it?
Ath point athaan njnm cheythe

Mmal ethra thread kandeknn:mmm:
Aayikkotte....wall alle....aarkm nthum parayaalo..I tagged you some other guy and shyam..not you... isn't it?
I have also not mentioned ur name anywhere... Ihsan inod alle njan samsarichee ... Enthe ath njan ninne paraju enn thonniyee
Just check if u have replied back to mine or not... Kuree ayalloo njan parayanee ...entha manasilakunnillde sechikk
Ivde aarkum eth threadnm reply idam

@Shyam ANGNE ALLE RULE .atho Inna aal reply idan paadilla angne ndelm undo
Ivde aarkum eth threadnm reply idam

@Shyam ANGNE ALLE RULE .atho Inna aal reply idan paadilla angne ndelm undo
Reply cheyyam but ath agottum egottum oru intrest um ellatha alkkar akumbol ... Swanthayitt Venda common sense anu.. evidy enth keri parayanam enn... Ni um ayitt last samsarichitt ninte enthegilum thread il njan enthegilum Vann parajittundo... Mutual respect kanikkan nokk first... Not related to rules anywhere...
It's not crying baby... Reply tharunne anenn polum manasilakkan pattanillallo ninak... Kashttam
Athe njnm nte frnd @Jack_v2 nte oru rply kandapo comment cheyth . Ithl ipo nda ithra kelipp aavan


I never mentioned ur name..

ninak ang thonuaa ee paranjath oke ninne aanenn..

njn ntheyaanaa

Reply cheyyam but ath agottum egottum oru intrest um ellatha alkkar akumbol ... Swanthayitt Venda common sense anu.. evidy enth keri parayanam enn... Ni um ayitt last samsarichitt ninte enthegilum thread il njan enthegilum Vann parajittundo... Mutual respect kanikkan nokk first... Not related to rules anywhere...
Athin ninnod ndelm Vann paranjo.. :rolleyes:
Iyaalk kaliyakiyel nthaylm prob undel ennod parayarnn...don't do that nn..allnd vere aarelm angane parayanda avasym illa
Iyaalk kaliyakiyel nthaylm prob undel ennod parayarnn...don't do that nn..allnd vere aarelm angane parayanda avasym illa
Aaru kaliyakki... I never said like that... U didn't mention me and I didn't mention u so ath eppo paraje enthina ennale chodhichath... Wall Ile karyam Avidy thanne parayayirunnalloo
Ninnod kooduthal onnum paraj tym waste akkan enik ella... Just stay away from me... I don't want u to interfere in my matters ath thread anegilum, wall il anegilum
Parayaan ulath evde aanelm parayum..
