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Often, we view forgiveness as a favour to others, but in truth, it’s a gift to ourselves. Holding onto hurt, guilt, anger, and resentment consumes more energy than choosing to forgive. By forgiving, we not only find peace of mind but also free ourselves to move on and forward.
Often, we view forgiveness as a favour to others, but in truth, it’s a gift to ourselves. Holding onto hurt, guilt, anger, and resentment consumes more energy than choosing to forgive. By forgiving, we not only find peace of mind but also free ourselves to move on and forward.
Absolutely! Forgiveness is liberating. It's like releasing ourselves from emotional baggage that weighs us down. Choosing to forgive is a powerful act of self-care and growth.
Must be the magic in your words! Keep spreading that joy and stealing those hearts.
What did you say ?
I think you're crazy, and you're trying to make me crazy.
What did you say ?
I think you're crazy, and you're trying to make me crazy.
Haha, busted! My poetic side got a bit carried away. Let's switch gears to funny town with a side of love! So, how about them cats wearing hats?
That's quite the clever suggestion! Maybe I'll just have to keep my heart under lock and key indoors.
And I will steal that key. And keep it to myself. So that you can never give your heart to anyone..
And I will steal that key. And keep it to myself. So that you can never give your heart to anyone..
Haha, sounds like you're determined to keep my heart all to yourself! Maybe we can negotiate some sharing arrangements for that key.