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Tomato Fellow
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  • నువ్వు అసలైన ఒంటరివి నిన్ను నువ్వు గౌరవించుకోనప్పుడు...
    అసలైన ఓటమి నీపై నువ్వు నమ్మకం కోల్పోయినప్పుడు...
    When you are with people, you cRAVE for privacy!
    So much privacy that you feel suffocated when you
    Hear someone, See someone, Pay attention to someone!

    In absence, in eerie silence filled with the
    Lack of FOOTsteps, Lack of air filled with words,
    Lack of questions to your ears...

    Sure, you will realize not how alone you are now
    But how lONEly you made them feel when
    They were around you!

    Silence ain't a sword, ain't a harsh word
    for you to feel, or hear to be PAINed!
    Silence echoes as if it's been there
    For a HundRED Years, if not for Thousands
    Silence refuses to cease it's existence as
    For a Hundred Years, if not for Thousands!
    Silence slices through your heart as if it's
    Born to kill you, WITHout shedding a drop of your blood!

    P.S: The above post has been deleted citing it as "spam", when I posted yesterday at around 4am IST.
    కాలానికి అడ్డుకట్ట లేదు... కదులుతూనే ఉంటుంది!
    ఈ క్షణం, మరుక్షణం, ప్రతీక్షణం... మార్పు కాలంలో లేదు!
    కాలం తో సాగే మనలో ఉంది!

    మనతో సాగే కాలం మనదేనా?
    మనవి అని అనుకుంటున్నవన్నీ మనవేనా?
    ఇంకా, అన్ని మనవైతే... అన్ని మనచేతిలో ఉంటె...
    అవి కూడా మనలానే మారిపోతాయిగా?
    మరి వాటిలో ఏంటి గొప్పా? వాటిలో ఏంటి ఆ ప్రత్యేకతా?

    అందుకే... మనది అని అనుకున్నా... దాని ప్రత్యేకతను దానికే వదిలేయాలి!
    ప్రతీ దాన్ని, మనకు నచ్చినట్టుగా, ప్రతీ ఒక్కరూ మన చెప్పినట్టుగా నడుచుకోవాలని చూస్తే...
    ఈ క్షణం, ప్రతీ క్షణం, మరుక్షణం... మనతో ఉండేది మనము మాత్రమే!
    చుట్టూ ఎంతో మంది ఉన్నా సరే, వారు... వారి ప్రత్యేకతను
    చాటుకోలేనప్పుడు, మనకు మన చుట్టూ ఉన్నవారికి... మనకు పెద్దగా వ్యత్యాసము ఉండదు!
    She smiled when I said I maynot be the same the next time we meet!
    She vanished like thin air even before I could make her understand!
    Was it meant to be that way? Or is it meant to be the other way around?
    Will I wait for her or go ahead and pursue what is meant for me!
    Will I bounce back putting everything as a screen of dust on a windshield?
    Definitely not! But I do miss heR, and I'm bound to miss her...after all ..we all know the truth!

    Nothing surprising about hooman Nature.
    Folks continue striving hard for things that they are unsure of,
    Folks continue laughing loud for comments that make little sense of,
    Glad, I can differentiate between timeline of Lord Rama and Lord Krishna!
    When Love Realized Itself!

    s I was driving the car, she
    Choose not to come close to me!
    Except for an occassional stare,
    God knows what exactly is going within her!
    I tried my best to understand,
    Knowing very little about what to come,

    When Love Realized itself!

    ustering all the courage, I touched her
    Ouch! She disappeared like a
    Quiet quill into air!
    Soon I realized,
    Ubiquitous she is,
    Within my heart and soul for
    Years, from my young to my last breath!

    Unpopular Opinon:

    Few folks are super active on forums than in the chats. Why so? Is it to keep the forum alive? I doubt so.
    There have been books that have stood the test of time with little to no publicity or marketing gimmicks.
    Few books have fallen flat, despite the hype and drama around them. So what do I intend to say?

    Unpopular Opinon:

    What I'm saying is, ensure you are active in chats and spend time to expres yourself on Forum.
    Just for the sake of some damn points or score, you are pushing true stuff into depths with spam.

    How far are we from each other?

    U let me do everything to you.
    U let me fondle you, cuddle you, kiss you, and more. But why this distance

    How long will u keep me afaR
    How long will you choose to let me be with you this way
    And how long wil it take for you to come out from the shadows

    Is d shadow from an eclipse? Or is it the Eternal shadow?

    Want to take you close...close to the heart...
    Want to hug you tight ..tight to the heart's content...
    Want to give you warmth...warmth from the bottom of the heart...

    Time is ticking at the pace it is meant to...
    Days are passing by... only to reinstate that you ain't there next to me, and
    I'm waiting there ... knowing that you know the future about which I have no clue!

    ~ Dec32 / Tomato Fellow
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