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Butter Bun

Epic Legend
Chat Pro User
A day of joy for those who fold their hands and walk through the shore remembering the day they met, the first smile they shared, a day of excitement for those who waited to express their love, a longing day for those who r waiting for their crush to smile back, a day of hope for some waiting for their loved ones to come back, a day of curse for those who watched their x walk away leaving them stranded, with all those emotions filled people take some time off to watch the sun rise with their loved ones, some wait for the sun to set , everyone expressing love in their own way, with all emotions running throughout the day in one way to spread love, valentine's isn't jus a day for love there's a bit more, to the broken hearts, patched ones.

To those who are in a budding relationship, give it all show your love ❣️ love isn't cruel to all neither friendly its jus bound to happen. . If it does happen as long as you're in love, love for one true time like you never did ❤️

To those broken hearts you wanted her to be happy, if letting em" go is what they want let's let em" go , love isn't all about holding on its something a mortal couldn't understand, we never fall short of love there's always room for a bit more. ..

Alas there'll be someone who lights you up, if a matchstick can show you path in a dark alley, there'll be someone who can heal your scars, if not you she'll find you ‍❤️

Lets celebrate love not jus the day. .. Love is a feel it can drive you nuts or rip you apart in moments, don't wait until it's too late, jus love as much you can, not that she/he deserves coz you can make them feel loved, there's nothing more someone would want in this modern world

#I'm broke too yet I'm not short of love

Cozy_Bites by @Butter_Bun