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I just kept trying, was just looking at the last figure and was performing addition and multiplication as and when required o_O
Firstly I found out the values of the given figures via analyzing their operation and result:Cwl:
In the first statement I found that the value of the given figure was 20, in the second statement i found out the value to be 3 and in the third i found out the value to be 2, so at the time of solving the last equation.. I used these values and took out the desired result '100'. Tho, even am not sure whether it's correct or not:think::Dull::sad1:

I should have kept quiet...:las:
3 beers =60 so beer = 20
Beer+nut+nut =26
So beer 20 plus nut 3 plus nut3=26
Nut+flower+flower =7
Flower plus nut into beer