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Secret of a Great Kiss


Novice Sprinter

Kissing is fun and when it is done right, sparks will fly and you will leave your partner speechless. But how do you take your kissing to the next level? Below, we have unveiled the secrets of a great kiss.
Secret #1: Tease
Taking the time to tease before locking lips helps to build up the anticipation. Whether it’s holding hands, caressing, or rubbing backs, this physical contact before the actual kiss is a secret that will help intensify the shared passion along with deepening your connection.

Secret #2: Relax
Kissing, even if you have kissed a hundred times, can be quite nerve racking. The key is to relax. Remember to breathe deep, ease your mind, and believe in yourself.
Secret #3: Lips
Do things with your lips other than kissing. Sucking or gently nibbling your partners lips will be sure to drive them crazy with sexual tension. Another lip-focused technique is to run the tip of your tongue lightly over their lips. When your kissing does pick up, varying the pressure and speed of the kisses helps to create excitement as your partner won’t know what is coming next.
Secret #4: Ears, Nose, Eyes, and Neck
While kissing is typically focused around lips that is not the only place you should focus on. Kissing your partners ears, check, nose, and eyelids all help to turn an ordinary kiss into romantic bliss. If you want to step it up a notch, try playfully biting their earlobe and neck. Teasing these particular spots create new sensations and feelings that will add to the passion and intensity of your impending kiss.

Secret #5: Emotion
While the above secrets can help turn anyone into a great kisser, the biggest secret of all lies in your emotional state and connection to your partner. In order to see fireworks while kissing, your souls have to speak to each other. By sharing intimate stories and memories, fears and ambitious, and letting your true emotions show are all ways to take your relationship to a deeper level. While this new, emotional state will make you vulnerable, this is one risk that will be worth it.
Kissing is a wonderful way of showing your special someone just how much they mean to you. With these secrets, this intimate act can transform your relationship into that deep connection you desire.