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National boyfriend day... ❤️


Favoured Frenzy
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You know who doesn’t get enough recognition? Boyfriends. There’s a Wives Day, a Girlfriends Day, a Mother’s Day, a Woman’s Day, but none of these represent the wonderful person who puts up with you day by day, your boyfriend. Alright, so we know they’re not a total piece of cake to live with, but who is? They’re still deserving of attention and recognition of all the things they do to make your life just a little bit better. Boyfriend’s Day is the perfect excuse to tell them how much you appreciate them.

Learn about Boyfriend’s Day

Boyfriend’s Day has been created so that we can make sure our other halves know how much they are appreciated and how much we love them. Traditionally, it is women who receive all of the acknowledgement and attention. We expect to be wowed on Valentine’s Day. We anticipate our other half paying for most of the dates. Yes, there are a lot of modern women who like to break this mold, but there is no denying that our boyfriends could do with a bit of extra TLC. Even if you’re someone who is always spoiling your other half, you now have another excuse to do so!

We’re sure there are a lot of different things that your boyfriend brings to your life. Does he put a smile on your face every day? Is he always there for you when you need someone? Does he do all of the DIY around the house? Does he deal with any spiders that pop up in the home? Today is the perfect day to let him know that you appreciate all of this.

History of Boyfriend’s Day :

It’s not easy being a boyfriend, there’s just so much you have to keep in mind. Anniversary’s, Birthday’s, Parent’s Birthdays and Holidays, who likes who, who hates who, whether to leave the toilet seat up or down, seriously, it’s just about the most challenging thing ever. You often wind up being the primary source of support for your partner (or partners, Polyamory is a thing these days, and you souls are braver than most). So obviously Boyfriend’s Day needed to be a thing so that you can get shown the proper respect for everything you do.

Then of course there’s the conflicting expectations, you have to be solid and reliable, able to carry the weight and stress of the trials and tribulations your partner(s) face, but you also need to be soft, considerate, and in touch with your feelings. Then there’s that whole machismo thing! Really, exactly what is expected of us? Well, on Boyfriends Day all that’s expected is that you sit back, relax, and thoroughly enjoy the day without the weighty concerns you carry every other day of the year.

Well, except for killing spiders, because as everyone knows spider executions wait for no man, or Boyfriends Day.


59% – the percentage of people who say online dating was a great way to meet people.

56% – the percentage of men who want to discuss marriage after six months of a relationship.

83% – the percentage of men who prefer to make the first move.

64% – the percentage of men in love who believe that intercourse is not the first priority in a relationship.

4 out of 10 – the number of workplace dating relationships that lead to marriage.

3 – the number of dates after which men know they are falling in love, according to research.

48 – the number of hours of not speaking to a partner after which one starts feeling homesick.


They try to put their best foot forward
Whether it’s picking you up for a date, fixing things around your apartment, or offering to pay for dinner, the best boyfriends try hard to make a good impression. They know relationships need work and effort, no matter how long you two have been together. So, show your man some love today!

They’re your partner in crime
Everyone needs a “partner in crime” and boyfriends are usually up to the task. A great boyfriend doesn’t just listen to your stories — he makes himself an accomplice to the protagonist: you! Whether you need a buddy to go to the taco stand across the street or to travel halfway across the world, your boyfriend is always by your side, adding to your story. Thank you, boyfriends of the world, for always being there!

They can keep a secret
Your boyfriend may not admit it, but he, too, gossips with his "boys." If you’ve got a burning secret, trust your boyfriend to lend a safe ear! Bonus: because you’re his sweetie, if you're in the middle of a dispute, you can "take it to the bank" that your boyfriend will always take your side!