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Mention them !

I call you shore, you know :hearteyes: I really wish I had met you first not just in zozo but in real life too. I'd have saved myself a lot of trouble. I do not talk to many, I usually mind my business, so mostly everyone I met has been kind.
Did I met you in 2021 or 2022? Can't remember correctly.

If 2022 then you are an amazing person tgat I met you in 2022 @DarkFantasyKitkat
Well, I met a good number of people this year (in 2022) but I lost tenfolds of that number. 2022 had been a depressing year for me but it was also a year that made me more self-aware, it taught me many lessons. They were an eye-opener. I can say I became a master of letting people go. I cherished many people here, fell in love with their thoughts, writings, and the silly things they bring to the table to make the convo interesting.

I fell in love with someone here, only to be left behind. They are not here anymore. So am I sad?? No, as 2022 taught me to keep my expectations low. I didn't expect any love from them. I just loved them with all my being.

2022 made me realize that I was fooling myself by keeping unrealistic expectations and cheating on my own feelings by chaining myself to the walls of self-righteousness and self-pity. It taught me not to put people on a pedestal and rub my expectations on them. Yes, I did put people on a pedestal although I was against it always. By the time I realized it, the damage was already done. So I set so many birds free so that they can heal themselves from the wounds I caused.

2022 helped me accept that I am not a good person and I don't have to try too hard to become good. It taught me I don't need a fix, I just need to ignore the cries of people asking me to fit in their description of good.

2022 made me question my morals, it made me stretch them. 2022 was a rollercoaster ride that broke my boundaries and bent the corners to soften those hard edges.

Back to the original question, so who should I mention here??

The ones who gave me a lift and left me in the middle of nowhere where I learned many things??
Or the ones who stayed with me regardless of knowing me??

No, I am not gonna mention anyone here as I don't want anyone's name associated with me as that might invoke judgment on them by the vultures that fly in the skies of high standards.

But all I wanna say is, thank you. I am grateful for what happened and what is happening before my eyes and behind my eyes.

And sorry for the wounds I made by playing a lie that once seduced souls. I apologize for that. Having said that, I neither seek your forgiveness nor your approval. I tried my best to lessen my suffering by becoming something I was not. I did so by trying to ease the pain of others. So what can I wish for now?? Except for the peace in your minds and warmth in your hearts, I can think of nothing else.

So I wish for that.

Take care.

PS: One thing that 2022 failed to teach me though is not to make edits to my posts and not be obsessed with correcting mistakes in my posts when my eye catches them. So I just did.
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