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Deleted member 59

By definition, jealousy is a feeling of unhappiness and anger because something or someone you want. But what makes us people so damn jealous sometimes?

I remember once when I was a kid that I was jealous of my younger sister because she was getting all the attention from my parents. I was four and she was two, I didn't understand that she needed more of it cause she was a baby, I just saw her as the damn love robber and that she was in a way ruining my happy life, cause I was the baby (lol). I was really awful to her and my parents told me I almost hanged her in the curtains once of how jealous I was. But I was a kid, I didn't understand things, had this happened today well I would have not tried to murder my little sister, but would have called out my parents for being so neglectful with their other kids.

We see that happen all the time, and it's really sad to watch an adult allow him or herself be consumed by jealousy. Usually in a grown up the roots of that jealousy are caused by insecurities and unsolved issues they have with themselves, and it's so deep they project in others so they can have someone to blame for it. An insecure man or woman, with very little self love, will go , sometimes, to extreme lengths to hurt/offend/damage the people they are jealous of.

Once, out of jealousy for my success at work, I had my former boss steal the classes I planned to teach newbie teachers, replace my name and put his and present it to the school owner so he could get the credit for it. Luckily I had already sent the owner a copy of the material for printing so he knew what my immediate boss tried to do.

Insecurity makes people do unexpected things, it makes people lower themselves to levels you could never foresee coming. People stoop very low and are ready to defame you and all because deep down they can't love themselves. Why is that person's fault for you not to have something you want? Or someone you want? What gives us the right to act so possessive towards people? Why is there so much arrogance in some that makes them think they should be in the center of everyone's universe?

I had a friend of mine tell me once "The minute you start victimizing yourself, and blaming others for everything wrong in your life, it's when you should stop and reflect about what you're doing wrong and change.", I agree with it, and I think it's very fitting to the jealous people out there. You want something and you didn't get it? Think about why you didn't get it, then work, change and maybe you will. You want people to like you, just as they like that other person you're jealous of? Well become someone worth liking, change, don't linger on silly hate towards someone who has no idea of what you're jealous of them. Don't let your insecurities take the best of you.

And I am saying this cause I hell see a lot of it in chat since the first day I got here, and it's the stupidest thing I have ever witnessed in this life. Why are you going to come to chat to get jealous of people you don't know and of a momentary attention they get? Why are you gonna dis and attack people because you're jealous? It just makes you look like a damn fool and shallow person. And FYI people are allowed not to like you, no matter how much you want them to like you, if they don't, they don't they got their reasons, if they like others more than it's their thing as well, nothing to do with you, and certainly nothing to do with the person they like. Confusing a bit, maybe, but it is what it is. If you want to remain jealous so be it, but you're the only one losing.