• We kindly request chatzozo forum members to follow forum rules to avoid getting a temporary suspension. Do not use non-English languages in the International Sex Chat Discussion section. This section is mainly created for everyone who uses English as their communication language.

It seems I am getting MUTED FOREVER


Hi Admin,
There was nothing wrong which I posted or did anything and still it shows MUTED FOREVER.
Can you please un-block me?
First things first, inform the day and time and room which you were banned and your username. Without that info there's nothing we can do
if your the user known as naughtysam aka i am sam ,i explained to you in pm why and that i had proof sent by a reg user about a pm you sent to a female ,your story of it was a "friend" i have heard many a time
I would like to say sorry for the same reason and would not be repeated. Please do consider this for this time.
So you're the one abusing the ladies in pm? Let me make this clear here. It's part of the chat rules not to abuse, yet you did more than once and all those times you were reported to staff and you still want us to lift the ban??? What for? So you can come in and do it again and try to pretend you didn't? Your ban won't be lifted. It will remain so due to the fact you did it more than one time, so your words can't be trusted here.