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Do you think sex chat gives you the full pleasure
Humans are wired for social connection and close connections with others, including your partner, makes you happier and healthier. Intimacy and sexual activity facilitates bonding and creates a feeling of connectedness with your partner. In addition to pleasure, studies have found that sex actually boosts your overall health. Sexual arousal releases chemicals and hormones within the body – these act as messengers and help control a variety of our body systems and promote positive mood.

Sexual arousal releases feel good chemicals and hormones that stimulate our reward and pleasure system in the brain – this results in decreased anxiety and is overall supportive of brain health.
Many people have an easier time sleeping after sex and this is because a natural hormone is released which promotes feelings of relaxation.
Sexual stimulation and orgasm promotes hormone balance and can help reduce pain. Hormones are released that can help block pain signals.
Regular sexual activity supports cardiovascular health.
Women who have regular orgasms have stronger pelvic floor muscles and less urinary incontinence.