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Informative BEETS


Free Flowing River

A source of folate,fiber,and potassium
A greens are a rich source of potassium, calcium,iron,vitamin C
low in calories
Rich in phytochemicals such as anthocyanins and saponins which lowers heart diseases


beet greens are high in oxalates which can form small Crystal's


beets have highest sugar content yet low in calories
betalains extracted can be used as natural food coloring or a dye
Beetroot also contains betaine, a substance that relaxes the mind and is used in other forms to treat depression. It also contains tryptophan, which is also found in chocolate and contributes to a sense of well-being.

Beetroot has one of the highest sugar contents of any vegetable. Up to 10-20 percent of beetroot is sugar, but it is released slowly into the body, rather than the sudden rush that results from eating chocolate.

Eating raw beets or drinking beet juice helps combat garlic breath

Eating raw beets or drinking beet juice helps combat garlic breath

Drinking beet juice helps lower heart disease risk and blood pressure. It also improves stamina and digestion

Beet juice can indicate the acidity of a solution. If a solution turns pink when beet juice is added, it is an acid. If it turns yellow, the solution is alkaline.

Beets were considered an aphrodisiac in ancient Roman times. Modern scientists have found that beets absorb and store high amounts of boron, which is essential in creating human sex hormones
