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A poem


The walking ghost
Chat Pro User
To live with my Mind

I have reasons to feel proud of you, oh my dear mind;
you’re my most prized possession and indeed I’m gifted
As you’ve e’er held my head so high and ne’er drifted
From the righteous path, even at times, so testing & unkind…
You reign with a ‘spirit’ and rule as a ‘Mentor’ – highly refined…
Moulding my life into a meaningful exercise; I’m uplifted
By the Divine connections, which you’ve rightly inherited
From the vast expanse of my spiritually rich ancestral bind!
But tell me why, oh mind, do you get so much addicted,
To the transitory pleasures from my senses just as you ease out…
From the relentless pressures of my mundane life – all self-inflicted?
Could it be of a curse in my fate or just a casual turn about
Of your naturally capricious exhibit? why? Pray explain…
So that, I learn to live a Noble life, with you than to fall – character – slain!
Users like you @URum @Freaky @Kamini @EkaLustYa and few others' posts are so amazing !! You all post original stuff which is so interesting to read.

There are few male and female users who will copy someone's work and post as theirs, these users who aren't fluent in English, who make many grammatical errors on other posts if you observe, but their poems are perfect, no mistakes ntg. I'm not trying to say bad about them as they are not good in English (even I'm not good at it), but trying to gain attention by copying someone's work is wrong.

Literature section is least responded by users as you all know. Sometimes there are hardly 4-5 likes on one post. And people like them gaining likes, appreciation by faking, so I feel it's unfair with users who post original stuff :(