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  1. Administrator

    Whats the funniest thing that happened while you travel in public bus?

    I know few people might yell at me for starting this topic? But i can't get off that incident from my mind after hearing that cracked up story. HAHAHA, i will let u know once this post reach more than 10 comments. Until then, you should share your funny story/weird story which you have saw...
  2. Bacon Girl

    Weird huh...

  3. Bacon Girl

    Weird Science Facts!

    The moon is moving away from the Earth at a tiny, although measurable, rate every year. 85 million years ago it was orbiting the Earth about 35 feet from the planet's surface. The star Antares is 60,000 times larger than our sun. If our sun were the size of a softball, the star Antares would be...
  4. Bacon Girl

    Weird & Fun Facts About Sports!

    In 1963, major league baseball pitcher Gaylord Perry remarked, "They'll put a man on the moon before I hit a home run." On July 20, 1969, an hour after Neil Armstrong set foot on the surface of the moon, Perry hit is first, and only, home run while playing for the San Francisco Giants. Retired...
  5. Bacon Girl

    More Weird Facts!

    1. The longest time between two twins being born is 87 days. 2. The world's deepest postbox is in Susami Bay in Japan. It's 10 metres underwater. 3. In 2007, an American man named Corey Taylor tried to fake his own death in order to get out of his cell phone contract without paying a fee. It...
  6. Bacon Girl

    Weird Facts!

    Pigs executed for murder? The speed of a sneeze? Certainly, there were facts in this list that made you laugh, and there were probably more than a few that you didn’t already know. The world is a weird place, after all! Do you have any weird facts you’d like to share with us – if so, please...