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Recent content by FunSurfer

  1. FunSurfer

    Best SEX positions men love to do

    Big fan of 1, 3, and 4!
  2. FunSurfer

    Where do we waste money ?

    I like coffee and technology! Coffee - I pull through a local coffee stop any chance I get. Technology - I love gadgets and tinkering with tech, especially if they can be automated like lights or smart home stuff etc.
  3. FunSurfer

    Group sex in your view (Question for kinky people)

    I've always fantasized about doing group sex. Seems like a lot of fun, but I'd be really shy I think at first.
  4. FunSurfer

    Health Benefits Of Masturbating Daily (For Men)

    i knew i was doing something right :)
  5. FunSurfer

    I'm Vennela

    Welcome, its a great community and fun to be a part of! :cool:
  6. FunSurfer

    Hilarious Music Video - Angèle - Oui ou Non

    I know its a few years old and might be late sharing, but sharing any way ;P I like how the video makes fun of all the cheezy commercials. Angèle - Oui ou Non [CLIP OFFICIEL]
  7. FunSurfer

    Face recognition violates human rights, says U.K. court

    I still dont know how Apple was able to release an update to allow unlock with face even wearing a mask! It's all voodoo if you ask me and sketchy in more ways than one. :Cwl:
  8. FunSurfer

    na than blacky

    Welcome to the Forum! Have fun! :cool:
  9. FunSurfer

    Do you see what I see?

    woah, those are crazy!
  10. FunSurfer

    Art of love making

    Really love how sensual these are. i do like giving oral to a woman.
  11. FunSurfer

    For students

    I find the build up to be very rewarding, all the sensations, making them last as long as possible
  12. FunSurfer

    What's urs...???

    Oh no, i didn't get offended. I knew you were joking. No hard feelings at all. :heart1:
  13. FunSurfer

    What's urs...???

    The more the merrier, all are invited to join :)
  14. FunSurfer

    Dimple of venus

    Hnnng, i do find dimples of venus to be very sexy on a woman :hearteyes:
  15. FunSurfer

    What's urs...???

    Always room for one more to conserve :P