Welcome to our Jaipur sex chat room - which is located in Rajasthan state. Looking for local friends near jaipur? Then you are in right place to find peoples around your area. It is most famous and populated state in Indian country with hindi speaking peoples.

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Chat Rules
How it works
Other Chat Help

Jaipur Chat Room Rules

  1. Only (ENGLISH and Hindi) is allowed to use in our Jaipur chat room.
  2. Not allowed to flood chat with same messages more than 4 times :)
  3. Not allowed to use pedo nick names as your username in the chat room.
  4. Not allowed to post or share any other website links.
  5. Not allowed to share or post any kind of illegal images. Keep it 18+ Pictures.
  6. Not allowed to spam other website links on the cam.
  7. Not allowed to troll or abuse our VIP or moderators.
  8. Follow the above rules or you will not allowed to chat in our chat room.
  9. You are not allowed to spam(flood) your Skype id or any kind of social id in our chat lobby.

How to use Webcam in our chat room

Please check our CHAT HELP page for more information's

How to Share Images in our chat room

Please check this link to find out how to share or send images in our chat rooms Share Images - Click Here.

  1. Use "T" option in our chat room to change Font color, Font type and Bold your font use "B" in the fonts option.
  2. Click on Smiley Button to check more extra Smilies. Add more smilies in your text and have fun chat with your friends.

Connection Failed/Error

Chat connection failed problem caused by many of these following reasons.

  • Check your internet connection.
  • Chat server went down due to Maintenance or Upgrading process. All our chat maintenance and upgrade only takes place for few minutes. Sometime it takes more than normal, based on work load and updates.
  • For more other details please check here (Connection Failed).